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Unique, caramel taste & surpassing texture.

100% natural, certified organic, unprocessed.

3 stars from Great Taste Awards


A majestic journey deep into the breathtaking Mt. Othrys, the mystic lands of ancient Titans, and sacred Mt. Telethrion, one of the oldest oak forests in Europe. The marriage of the sacred oak and the renowned Greek healing wild herb “sidetitis” (mountain tea) gives birth to this divine honey child!
It is a dark coloured honey with heavenly aromas, rich and mellow taste, with a divinely smooth sweetness.


A study by the Apiculture Department of AUTH characterised it as the richest honey in antioxidants. It is beneficial for children, pregnant women and people with anaemia, while its enzymes enhance metabolism, and help the proper functioning of the vital organs and stomach disorders.


Taste the myth!


Judges' quotes | Great Taste Awards
“This is everything you look for in a Greek mountain honey - it is
dark, rich, mellifluous in every way The aroma is full of mountain
scents, woodland and herbs. There is a toffeeish texture which melts
lightly and smoothly. The complex layers include herbals, buttery
toffee and a citrussy depth. It takes some clever bees (and human
skill) to produce a honey of this quality!”

Organic Oak Honey Bee Naturalles 300g

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